This series is almost coming to an end and honestly, I'm happy to see it go. Why? Because I've kept all of my Halloween paint, googley eyes, stickers, pipe cleaners, etc, out on my dining room table for the entire month and I'm ready to clean it up. Also, I'm getting tired of my LO walking by the paint just about every hour and fussing that he wants to paint. Even though we had quite the painting fiasco the other day, I decided to let him paint one last time because he needs a trick or treat ...
The Studio
Halloween Activity 8 of 10: Egg Carton Spiders
We try to recycle around my house, actually, we don't try, we do. We recycle a lot. I've actually started getting a ton of anxiety lately about the amount of trash we (as a human race)'s really unbelievable (but that's a post for another day). Part of recycling means reusing things so here's another activity that I remember doing during my childhood. Like most of the posts in my 10 Days of Halloween Activities series, this activity is a fun and easy activity for toddlers. My 2 ...
Day 7 of 10 Halloween Activities: Painting the Carpet?
It's day 8 of my 10 days of Halloween activities posts and....Well, I skipped day 7 and this activity probably won't rank very high on your to do lists. Why? Well, first let me tell you a story. Yesterday, I left my husband at home with my 2 year old while I took my 12 year old dog to the groomer. Why did she have to go to get groomed? Because that 2 year old helped me make GF Apple Cinnamon pancakes yesterday and, when I turned around to flip the pancakes on the skillet, he grabbed a measuring ...
Halloween Activity Day 5: Mini Macrame Spiderwebs Activity
So, you may have seen the hand print spiders we made on day 2 of my 10 days of Halloween activities posts. I made 4 copies of each of our hand prints with plans to make some type of mobile-like Halloween decoration for us, my parents, and my in-laws. I'm super pleased with how it turned out! It took me some time to figure out the best way to accomplish a decent looking web (while my husband drove us to the petting zoo and pumpkin patch - multitasking!) but if you follow my easy directions you ...
Halloween Activity, Day 4: Painters Tape Pumpkin Painting, Toddler Activity
All of a sudden my LO LOVES painting, especially finger painting. It's odd because when I tried to get him to finger paint a few weeks ago he wouldn't and would only used this roller thing. Now, he likes to use a paint brush but he uses it to paint his fingers and then uses his paint colored fingers to paint on paper, pumpkins or whatever we're painting. After about a week of painting everyday he has now tired of painting on paper....time to paint on other pumpkins. Like every ...
Halloween Craft Day 2: Toddler Activity, Handprint Spiders
It's day 2 of 10 days of Halloween crafts for Toddlers. My house has been a chaotic mess of paint, glue, eyeballs, glitter (I accidentally left a container where my LO could find it) and halloween stickers, but you know what? It's been amazing! Take a look at my dining room table....I set out all of the craft supplies at the beginning of the season so it's super easy for us to run in and grab some stuff to do a quick craft or two each day! I'm definitely going to do this all the time from now ...
Halloween Craft Day 1: Halloween Resist Painting, Drawing Spiderwebs
So, the plan was to do 15 days of Halloween Crafts for a toddler but it's already the 21st so I'm a few days behind (does it really surprise you) - I guess we'll be doing 10 days of Halloween Crafts. Anyways, we've been doing a lot of Halloween themed stuff around the house since the weather has gotten a bit colder and we've had some cloudy days. This should keep you busy for a half hour or even an hour (if you're like us and made like 10 pages of spiderwebs)! First up, learning to draw ...
Choo Choo Train, Vintage Railroad, Americana Themed Second Birthday
This Vintage Railroad, or, as my son calls it "Choo Choo Train" Birthday party was amazing so I have to share the details! The day of the party was perfect, 67 and sunny (the weather has since turned to fall and we've got cornstalks flanking the front door and pumpkins on our porch BUT I promised a post with all the details - better late than never). The party spanned my entire house. My driveway had some couches to lounge on, a table with beverages, snacks, and also in the front yard, a bounce ...
Finger Painted DIY Birthday Card
Now, I don't think my toddler cares, but for some reason having a purpose for doing activities makes me feel more sane - this is a perfect example of finger painting with a purpose! So, I'm sure we've all had our little ones make birthday cards for everyone under the, dad, grandma, grandpa, and if you're suuuuuper lucky, maybe even a great-grandparent or two! Today we were lucky enough to make this for my grandpa's 90th Birthday card. I can't believe he'll be ninety! It's so ...
Felt Board Garden Planner; Toddler Activity
Super cute right? It was only early January and I was well into planning my organic square foot garden for the year. I actually started planning in December, ordered my seeds and got them in mid-January! I start all of my plants from seed so I tend to plan the second I start getting my new seed catalogs right after Christmas. I like to try and start a few of the hard to grow seedlings in February...Did it happen? Nope! Ok so now that I'm a mom it's still easy to plan but it's a bit harder to ...