Vacation time! I’m am leaving the house for 10 days to go to Florida for pleasure and a wedding. You know what I hate about going on vacation? Having to clean out the fridge because I always have to throw a ton of stuff away. You know what though?! Somehow I’ve been able to come up with a meal plan to use absolutely everything that needs to be eaten in the fridge, and from the garden (crazy huh?). I know, I can’t believe it either. So here it is…
On Monday I had a teensie bit left of my harvest salad ingredients, a few bowls of Portuguese & Kale soup from the weekend. As far as raw ingredients, here’s what I had on hand: Last red pepper from the vegetable stand, bag of yellow onions, bag of red onions, bag of redskin potatoes, 1 bulb garlic, bag of russet potatoes. butternut squash, 1 bunch kale, romaine hearts, 6 jalapenos, ginger, 2 heads broccoli, 6 lemons, 1 English cucumber, 2 packs raspberries, 1 pack blueberries, 2 containers cherry tomatoes PLUS need to harvest red beets, yellow beets, and amarillo carrots from the garden before we leave and they freeze (it’s supposed to get cold). Also, 1 pack organic chicken breasts (3), 2 pork tenderloins, 11 eggs and a handful of Baby Bella cheese.
Monday: Uh oh – I have a TON of food in the fridge that needs to be used up…..
Lunch: Leftover Beet and Butternut Squash Harvest salad with Roast Squash Seeds for me, Leftover roast chicken thighs, apple sauce, roast beets and butternut squash.
Dinner: Leftover Portuguese & Kale soup for me, Leftover homemade Chicken Noodle for the LO
Breakfast: For the me and the Hubs, Kale and Eggs. For the LO, Baby Bella scrambled eggs, banana
Lunch: Leftover Portuguese & Kale soup for me, Leftover homemade Chicken Noodle for the LO
Dinner: BBQ Cherry Chicken Breasts, Steamed Broccoli, Roast Redskin Potatoes and Onions
Wednesday: I have 3 apples left from the orchard that will definitely be bad by the time we get back so for breakfast I decided to use them to make the LO breakfast for the next few days.
Breakfast: Apple Fritter Pancakes with double the apples (for the LO). For me and hubby: Saute the red pepper, add leftover roast potatoes and onions – Homemade Pepper and Onion skillet with over easy eggs (5 total)
Lunch: We went out to lunch, when we got back I checked the garden and there were A TON of green tomatoes. Ooh what a perfect way to use up the jalapeno peppers and red onions I have left! I made two batches and froze them.
Dinner: Leftover Cherry BBQ Chicken Breasts, Steamed Broccoli, and a taste of he braised red cabbage and chive mashed potatoes I made for tomorrow
Breakfast: Leftover Apple Fritter Pankcakes for the LO, last of the Leftover Redskin Potato, pepper and onion Hash and Applegate Naturals Sausage patties (2 each) for me and the hubs
Lunch: Applegate Organics Chicken Nuggets, cherry tomatoes, raspberries, blueberries, oranges (yes – a bit of a hodge podge)
Dinner: I took a pork tenderloin out of the freezer 2 days ago and was going to just roast it but I have some fresh ginger and 6 fresh lemons that need to be used up…..Those sound like they could work well together! So I made a Lemon, Ginger, and Honey Glazed Pork Tenderloin to eat with the Braised Red Cabbage and chive mashed potatoes I made yesterday. LO ate pork, steamed broccoli and the last apple.
Breakfast: Last of the Apple Fritter Pancakes, raspberries, blueberries. Only 1 each for mom and dad and the last if the Applegate Naturals Sausage (1 each).
Lunch: Leftover pork with Roast Amarillo Carrots (harvested from our garden), they taste delicious drizzled in the lemon honey sauce. Leftover steamed broccoli for the LO
Dinner: Leftover Pork Tenderloin, Chive Mashed Potatoes (chives from the garden), Leftover Braised Red Cabbage
I am feeling like a DOMESTIC QUEEN! I also have my LOs laundry and packing done, plus my kaundry and half of my packing.
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