I was going to post my recipe for Sweet Potato and Chorizo Hash last night but we got home from vacation and there was mysteriously bird poop all around the inside of the house. Where's the bird? No idea (frightening). Anyways, so the hash recipe will come soon enough, until then, here's a super simple recipe that's a great base for a bunch of recipes I make all of the time (see the list below - includes the hash I will be making soon). All of them are gluten free, dairy free, soy free, and nut ...
Breakfast Recipes
Allergy Friendly Banana Bread; Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free, Nut Free
Back when I first went gluten free, dairy free, and soy free; probably nearly 5 years ago, I found a random recipe for gf banana bread made with gf Bisquick on some random forum (because oddly, that was where most of the recipes were back then) and it was really amazing. There were no pictures, just a few sentences from a guy who had wanted to make some for his Celiac wife and had experimented with some success. Back then, the only way to find good recipes was to network with other people with ...
Gluten Free Crepes with Strawberries; Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free, Nut Free recipe
I totally forgot about the strawberries that the little man and I picked last June until I reorganized my chest freezer a few weeks ago. I had frozen these to make a batch of strawberry jam but never got around to it. They are a great reminder that you don't need to turn your fruit harvests into sugar filled jams and jellies if you've got enough freezer space! We're approaching the end of winter, so the freshness of these sweet tiny berries was surprising. I just heated them in a saucepan, ...
Garlicky Spinach; Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free, Nut Free
So, I've been working on a post about my "I'm getting sick" meal plan for about a month now - Yes, a month! Hopefully I'll have it posted within the next week or so. Until then, I wanted to share this recipe for garlicky spinach that is a part of the meal plan. Once you go gluten free, dairy free, and soy free, it seems like all of the really easy side dishes go out the window (think, things that come in a box, bag, or packet)! We've been eating this quite a bit lately, mainly because it's ...
Double Chocolate Chip Pancakes; Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free, Nut Free Recipe
These are quite a treat! So good in fact, that I have been known to sneak a few leftover pancakes as "dessert" - cold - right out of the fridge. If you visit my blog often you probably know about my "Homemade GF, DF, SF, NF Pancake mix". I use it ALL the time to make not only pancakes but also breads and cakes. I usually have about 10 cups on hand in a container stored in my pantry, not that it's hard to make, but when you have a 2 year old who loves to help "mix", it does tend to make a ...
GF Pumpkin Pancakes; Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free, Nut Free Recipe
I can't believe it's that time again! Has it really been a year since I meant to post these gluten free, dairy free, soy free, nut free pumpkin pancakes? I read an article last night that blames the pumpkin spice obsession on Starbucks who created the pumpkin spice latte back in 2003. Well, sorry to say but my family has been obsessed with pumpkin spice everything for much longer than that! Even the newest member of the family loves these, in fact, they're his favorite flavor of pancakes so we ...
Bacon, Ham, Veggie & Potato Breakfast Skillet
I'm so excited, I walked outside and my first orange pepper is ready to be picked! It's teensie tiny but an extra pepper means I can use some peppers in today's breakfast without cutting into the amount I'll need for tonight's garlic scape pasta! I had a few potatoes that needed to be used, bacon and leftover ham in the freezer, and extra red onions and now pepper so I put together this yummy dish. It's amazing on it's own but even better topped with some homemade salsa (I had the best canned ...
Greek Breakfast Salad; Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free, Nut Free, Yeast Free Recipe
Yesterday I posted my recipe for Lemon Greek Dressing. Today, a quick post for a breakfast salad. I never thought about doing this until I was talking to my sister about how I'm determined to eat 10+ servings of fruits and vegetables a day. She recommended a breakfast salad. Sounds good to me! This also ties in with my "Veggies for Breakfast" Series. In case you're interested in seeing more posts, simply search for "Veggies for Breakfast" in the search bar on the right hand side of the ...
Garlicky Kale with Pancetta (or Bacon); Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free, Nut Free Recipe
Here's post #2 in my "Veggies for Breakfast" segment. Garlicy Kale with Pancetta. As always, this recipe is naturally gluten free, dairy free, soy free, and nut free. I served this with over easy eggs. It tasted amazing with the yolks broken over it. This is great as a dinner side dish too! I've been on such a pancetta kick lately! I mean honestly, who doesn't love bacon? Pancetta is Italian bacon - it's great because it stores well (it keeps for months), it's super flavorful, and it comes ...
Sweet Potato and Pancetta Hash; Gluten Free, Soy Free, Dairy Free, Nut Free Recipe
I've got a few collections of recipes in the works for the next few weeks. First, veggies for breakfast, as usual they'll all be gluten free, soy free, dairy free, and nut free recipes. I read an article the other day about how Americans eat... did you know that the median amount of fruits and eaten per day is 1.6 servings? No wonder we're so unhealthy! My family tries to eat the recommended amount of 5-6 servings per day, but that same article stated that people who eat "7 or more servings ...